The proof of the pudding or the pickle lies in its taste, read Experience.
The designer to be aware and therefore conscious about are the finer elemental interfaces of engagement of the artifact one designs for the participants. The participants are from varied backgrounds, read contextual settlements, geographic and embodied cultures and births by not their choice. To put is simply ethnic-demographic in character.
Now to get to the taste of momentary or lasting gratification is a design task and a challenge. Therefore one would focus on a target audience as in users. However experience shall still vary and a majority of yes for the taste will be considered, whether it’s the wowness of it which is at that state of time or the wholeness of it for rest of time of participation is not really captured maybe.
The elemental interfaces of engagement are about state of mind at the instant and the follow through of experience in the time that follows.
The finer aspect of the engagement needs to be the preoccupation of the designer ref: http://ravishankardesign. walk-around-brand.html http://ravishankardesign. walk-around-brand.html?m=1
The designer needs to be present at all those interface touch points and observe the act with an empathetic relationship with the engagers’ state of mind and preoccupation to make the pudding experience a design that’s a take away.
Ref: http://ravishankardesign. of-design.html http://ravishankardesign. of-design.html?m=1
This humanistic expertise shall make for next gen designers own the design in the artificial space.
he artifact here could be a book, a graphic, a media form, a physical product, a digital entity, a space, a service, a street, a town/ city, a nation or an Earth.