Friday, February 10, 2023

Seagull & Frogy


A Seagull in one of its vagabond flights lands on the wall of a well. He wonders what is this and there is water deep inside within parched stone wall, never seen something like this before!!

Sees a Frog swimming in it and asks’ “Hey what is this place?” Frogy replies "it’s a Well, well! These bucket people call it so!"

Seagull “ Ooo! …do you like its here?”

Frogy, sitting its side walk the of the wall, “ Well!! I don’t know… there are predators here sometimes and a bucket which falls in unexpectedly to draw my water, dangerous for my kids and family and my friends!!”

Seagull “Friends! In here? Who are they….?”

Frogy “ My friends, Wormy, Snaky, Goldy Fish (my love interest, btw!, don’t tell my wife 😉) and many others…..”

Frogy “Btw where are you from!!”

Seagull “ Oo me!”

Frogy “Yep”.

Seagull “ I come from the blue sky and blue seas and wild breeze and winds and sunshine”

Frogy, Wow!! And tell me what you do there!!

Seagull, “I fly in blue sky, do acrobats with the wind, romance with myself and with your Goldy fish look alike Birdy of mine 😉

Frogy “ Oooo!!”

Seagull “Ok buddy, time to go…”

Frogy “Hey wait, take me with you for a ride, I can see your places too…”

Seagull “Sure, Leap out of here to my wings”.

Frogy “ Yaaa!! Hmm!! Now you mean.  Let me think, …I don’t know!! What about tomorrow, 2 PM?”

Seagull “Nai…who has seen tomorrow! I am off buddy.....(flying off the wall, says) “btw watch out for the bucket dropping, and say Hi to your Goldy fish 😊

Ravishankar - Feb 2023

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